I am a slow reader with a strong belief to miss out on the little details and select words that are so important to build my picture with my inner eye. If I would swallow words and finish a book in the shortest possible time, I would have the feeling of missing out on a big part. I started reading this book immediately after I found it. I was unpacking the third last moving box (I still have two boxes sitting there but not enough shelving space). I had forgotten about this book, which is very unusual for me. It surely was a present some years ago because someone took the effort to cover the printed price with a sticker. I ignored the chaos in my office, made myself a coffee, and that was the last time I was heard of in days. My phone runs out of battery unnoticed in my bag. I haven’t checked my emails, not to mention answer any of them. I am a little scared to recharge my cell’s battery; notifications will cause a ring concert. Two days ago, I noticed a little neck pain and realized it comes from awkwardly turning my head, my glasses had been very dirty from dog kisses and finger smudges, and it was the only way I could see anything at all. But this information didn’t reach my brain because that little raisin was busy reading.

My book is a detective story. I love those thrilling and nail-biting books. The most exciting thing about it is that although everyone else thinks that the victim died years ago, she is still alive. The detective is running against the clock because he is the only one to save her, and he isn’t even aware of that. I still have 50 more pages to read and have no clue if she will be uncaged and see her loved ones again.
This blueberry caramel sauce is a frequent guest, it took me a while to refine the best technique and ingredients, but now I am glad to share it with you. The good thing about recipe testing, there had always been a version of this sauce in my fridge. All I needed is an eatable vessel. As this book keeps sticking to one of my hands, I try to conquer everything I do with the other hand (and one eye). And it works, somehow. And who knew, making pancakes, waffles, or rice pudding is not that hard with one hand. It can be a flavor booster for simple vanilla ice cream or plain yogurt. I love it, especially with herbs; blueberries and rosemary are such a great combination. Dip, smear, stir, drizzle or swirl as much as you like.

- 1 cup granulated sugar
- ½ cup water
- ½ stick unsalted butter, cut in chunks
- 10 ½ oz. blueberries
- ½ tsp. fine sea salt
- You’ll need a pan with a heavy bottom and big enough to prevent everything from boiling over.
- Over medium heat, dissolve sugar in water. When it starts to look like syrup, increase the heat. Let it cook until it has an amber color; this takes a while but keeps an eye on it; it turns from caramel to burned sugar on a whim. The whole time is very alert and doesn’t try to taste it; sugar gets extremely hot. Caramel will crystallize if you stir, hands-off this spoon.
- Caramel keeps cooking after you remove the pan from the oven. Turns off the heat if it already looks like nearly done or has an ice bath ready.
- Add the butter to the caramel; it will bubble up! Add the blueberries and the salt and keep cooking over medium heat for at least 5 minutes. The longer you bake, the heavier it will get.. If you are looking for a marmalade consistency (or a cake filling), it might take 15 minutes. BTW you are allowed to stir now. Let cool.